Sunday, October 27, 2013

animals letter "A" and Little Red Riding Hood

Thursday again and kids looking forward to Halloween, so for them this will be a long week!!
We got some new carpeting and there were some pieces left over, so I had "Grampa" cut them to the size of a sheet of paper so that we could use them for push pin exercises.  Our first time to use them and the kids all had fun with them  We outlined a ghost in front of the moon and quote "Boo!"  It was a little tricky for them at first, but they quickly caught on (with a little help)!
Our clips to hold the papers together, our "giant" push pin and our pattern
Our finished product   so just put it up on the window so others can see!!
Still working on tracing our shapes.  This paper has them find the matching shape

This amazing animal book is also a jigsaw puzzle of the animals around the world
 The kids love puzzles and this one was a challenge for them
A friend from work brought me these amazing blocks for the kids and they loved making bridges and castles
with them

Books are always fun and they love to to have them read to them

And our story of the week "Little Red Riding Hood"

Getting the wiggles out  doing the "Hokey Pokey"
Another fun time in PreK!

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